How to prepare for UGC Net Management Exam from Home?

You can easily prepare for UGC Net Management Exam from home, provided if you follow an organized preparation technique. Following are the ways that can help you out in preparing for the exam:

Organize your UGC Net Management Study Material

As you know, the syllabus for the UGC Net exam is quite vast. Hence you need to look at the most important topics and organize your study material accordingly. It is no use trying to cover everything as you may not have enough time in the end to revise all that you have prepared.

You need to be smart with your preparation. Selective studying is the key to cover the maximum of the syllabus and attain better scores.

Prepare Your Study Schedule

After analyzing the syllabus and learning about the important topics, the next step is to divide your time to prepare for each topic. Make sure you allot appropriate time to every topic so that each topic gets your equal attention. This is necessary to know what topics you are good at and in which topics you lack knowledge.

A tip would be to study from management books directly rather than purchasing UGC Net Management books. UGC Net management books do not have relevant material related to the exam.
Hence, it is better to prepare for the management topics from the MBA books. Also, do make proper notes for every topic. It would help you later when you are revising the entire syllabus.

Go through UGC Net Management Solved Papers

Along while preparing for every topic for the exam you must go through solved question papers of UGC Net. This helps you in getting a deep knowledge of a particular topic. While going through solved papers you actually get to know what type of questions are asked. It also helps you gather more knowledge about the topic.

Solve UGC Net Management Practice Questions

After you have gone through the entire syllabus, the next step is to test your knowledge. This can be done by solving UGC Net Management Practice Questions. There are a lot of sample question papers available online as well as offline. UGC Net managementprevious year papers are also available.

Try solving them. Practising such question papers help you get the knack of how to solve the actual question paper in real-time.

Analyze your Performance

Once you start solving the question papers you become aware of the topics that are causing trouble. You get to know the areas where you are weak and thus you can now utilize your time in strengthening those areas.


Revision is the most important step of the preparation process. Once you feel confident about your preparation, it is time to revise the topics that you have studied. Do go through the notes that you had made initially, they will help you a lot.

Practice and Practice

The ultimate key to every exam is to practice. There are numerous papers, solved, unsolved, mock tests etc., available. You can also look for UGC Net Management solved papers. Practice them to strengthen your skills.

UGC Net Management Exam provides a gateway for better job opportunities. Not only government approved colleges, but several big companies look for candidates that have cleared their NET Management exams for high posts.

Public Sector Units also consider NET scores for appointing candidates for executive posts related to Research and Development, Management, Corporate Communication, etc.

Thus, UGC Net Management Exam offers a lucrative opportunity for those who wish to make it big in their career. But to achieve that you need to first strategize your study plan so as to clear the exam.

Hope it will help to crack the exam.

Best of Luck.


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